Please fill out the form on the right and you’ll get the delivery address of our warehouse in Germany. If you return from Germany you have to cover the return shipping costs yourself. Original shipping costs for orders from the EU and outside the EU are non-refundable.
When returning items to us, please ensure they are well packaged in their original packaging (carton box, shoe box, shoe bag etc.). Returns are accepted for all unworn shoes within 14 days of purchase. Shoes must be tried on a carpet surface until you have decided to keep them, and returned with the shoe box included. We cannot guarantee full refund in case of damaged returns.
Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email to notify you that we have received your returned item. Please note that it may take minimum a week for the payment provider to process the refund.
Unfortunately it´s not possible to exchange items, but you can always place a new order to get your desired item.
Our shoes and bags are handmade. Any incidental tonal variations, marks or veins are natural features, and should not be considered as imperfections. If you are unfortunately received a damaged product, please send us an email at with your order number and a short description of the issue. Please also include photos so we may better assist you before starting a return.